When a crime-solving TV documentary mentions ritual Satanic murders, those Satanists are not what you think they are…

In the dead of the night, monsters are real.

A couple of days ago, I played Diablo on my XBox One, as usual, and stopped earlier than usual because I was tired. On TV, a local crime solving documentary called “Solving It” played. One case rounded off as I watched, and the show didn’t look too bad so I continued watching. Lo and behold, the next segment was introduced with “scary” death metal, gothic imagery and Satanic symbols. Fade into an “expert” talking about Satanism being a religious cult that includes ritualistic murders and the usual fear mongering bullshit about Satanists. I tuned out and turned off the TV in disgust.

If you want to know what type of “Satanist” carries out such murders, there is only one question you need to ask yourself:

  1. Who believes in a literal Satan?

The answer, of course, is Christians. Only Christians believe in an evil Satan, their devil. Only Christians believe anyone would worship the antagonist in their story. And only Christians, albeit very confused Christians, ever actually worship their devil. Not convinced? Well, we have to backtrack a little to see how they get there…

An interesting thing happens to us psychologically at night. Night time is when we watch horror movies and read horror novels, especially the supernatural ones. We can’t suspend our disbelief in the day when it comes to stories featuring ghosts and haunted houses, demons, Satan, possession, exorcism, and so on. But at night, when we can’t see what lies in the dark, we revert to our childlike mental states. We fear the dark. We fear the unknown that lies in the dark. Most of us don’t even realize it happens; so little self awareness we have. But it does happen. At night, the monsters are real. We talk to our closest family and friends, about haunted houses, UFOs, and our other fears. At night we tell those stories with hushed voices as if the ghosts and ghouls might hear us, and we believe them, as do those who listen. On some level we know we cannot discuss those things with the same conviction during the day. At night, many of us believe those things, then but only then… unless we hear an authority, like an expert on Satanists, tell us that the subjects of our fears are legitimate and our fears are justified. We really haven’t moved on much from our primitive superstitious roots, and as we watch those shows with baited breath, we are mere inches from shouting, “Burn the witch!”

An even more interesting thing happens to us psychologically when we use hard drugs, such as methamphetamine. We revert to that same childlike mental state, but not only at night. It becomes more permanent. Day and night, the monsters are real. Maybe not all of us, but many… Many addicts suddenly get into the occult, but it isn’t because of “demonic influence” or anything that a lunatic believer might tell you – it’s because they’ve reverted to that same childlike mental state where all those things they fear seem real, the same state that nearly everybody goes into in the dark. It’s probably why Stephen King wrote such great horror stories on cocaine. (While he remains one of my favourite authors, he hasn’t had that edge since the eighties.) If you think about it, being high, edgy, anxious and paranoid while hearing voices and maybe also seeing things when you have some deeply ingrained religious fears… is a fine recipe for a sudden interest in the occult.

What drives the fear of Satanism and Satanic rituals among Christians? Again, those who fear it aren’t exactly honest with themselves about it. It’s not just fear. It’s exciting. They want it to be real. They want to imagine that people can really sit in a circle with a pentagram chalked on the floor, and summon demons. They want to believe that people can somehow gain personal power when committing violent acts during such rituals. And when such people (who want to believe) use drugs, ironically they are the ones who then mimic the “Satanic” rituals they saw in movies and read about in horror pulp fiction. Theirs is more a cargo cult than a religious cult, carrying out stupid pop culture rituals as if they are characters in movies like The Craft. And when they get caught, they make up their nonsensical claims about covens and groups of evil Satanists. And other Christians believe them because they want to believe them. But the bottom line is this: Those evil Satanists you are so scared of are just junkie Christians.

Actual Satanism is something completely different. It is simply a parody of religion, used as a tool to try bringing about secularism. (The separation of church and state.) For example, when militant Christians impose their religion on a state owned institution, forcing prayers before meetings, this is where an atheist jumps in, calling himself a Satanist, insisting that Satanic invocations can then happen before meetings, because due to freedom of religion, it must be given equal prayer time. It takes advantage of Christian fear – and in such cases, Christians in power will very quickly make rules barring all prayer, which is exactly what the secularist wanted in the fist place. In the same way, a Satanist who is really an atheist parodying religion, might place a Satanic statue in a state owned facility where extremist believers place their religious statues or monuments. The objective is the same.

And that is why I dislike Satanism. Even when it works to push secularism, as in the examples above, it does so dishonestly by pretending to be a religion. They might get away with it legally by displaying all the trappings of religion, but it can be argued that their beliefs are not sincere. (They’re not sincere.) But more importantly to me, it further perpetuates the nonsense that atheism is a religion and that atheists worship Satan. Ultimately it doesn’t get the point across that it should because the point should be to prevent religious extremists from imposing their religion on everyone, not to piss them off by imposing another “religion” on everyone. And Christians who are the target of such tactics will cling even harder to their faith and negative belief about Satanists; after all it is their fears that are being played on. Make no mistake though, Satanists don’t believe in or worship any deity or devil.

7 thoughts on “When a crime-solving TV documentary mentions ritual Satanic murders, those Satanists are not what you think they are…

  1. Worth adding but not as part of the post…

    At one stage in 2006, when we stayed in Cape Town… My girlfriend (a meth addict) was into Wicca and witchcraft in general. Laska, (a meth addict) who lived a couple of houses away, fancied herself a witch. She was into astrology, healing crystals, tarot, and sometimes black magic. Graham (a meth addict) who lived directly across the road, told me a story he believed about how he was once chased for hours by a demon. That’s three people who lived within a short distance of each other.

    It is not unusual for people who use hard drugs to develop an interest in the occult. You’re high, anxious, paranoid, hearing voices and maybe seeing things… Add to that some sort of religious belief and religious fears… And you have someone who, in the event of a crime, is going to be investigated using the “Satanic cult” angle…

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Drugs often trigger emotional thinking & reasoning (a.k.a. magical thinking), which is the opposite of logical thinking. So I’m not surprised. A religious thinking vs. a scientific thinking.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s more than just magical thinking… I mean it literally is magical thinking, but with a twist. A sense of fear, of paranoid terror.

      I was aware of it at the time, but it didn’t stop me from feeling that way. I don’t know if ever you watched the show Charmed, about three good witches who were sisters, battling against the forces of evil. They even had a politically correct name for the devil, which they called “The Source”. Anyway, I digress… The bad guys, be they demons or whatever, came from a sort of a shadow world beneath this one, kind of like Hell or the Underworld.

      On meth, I felt like I was in that place. Everything took on sinister characteristics, as if I had somehow ended up in an evil place that looked like this world, but where evil lurked in every shadow and behind every corner. I had a name for it, the “Gloom Zone”. I thought it might be a good idea for fiction some day…

      It is that frame of mind I’m thinking of. I’m sure I was not alone to be in that state, and addicts in that state of mind, with literal religious beliefs about angels, demons, and so on… are a recipe for very strange goings on.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Your comment reminds me of a TED Talks lecture by Anil Seth, https://www.ted.com/talks/anil_seth_how_your_brain_hallucinates_your_conscious_reality/transcript .

    Professor Seth’s message is, Our experienced world comes from the inside out, not just the outside in.

    The title of the lecture is Your brain hallucinates your conscious reality.

    So using psychoactive drugs is equivalent to altering the reality. You let in more magical “wonders” in your life. And it happens by using the information processing system you were born with (the one called magical thinking).

    BTW, This kind of information you just presented in this new interesting post, Jerome, is suitable for your coming book about drug addictions experienced from inside the addict himself. It’s so easy to misinterpret the reality. Because addicts often share their hallucinated realities with each other it becomes easier (for them) to believe in the experienced bullshit.

    BTW once more, how is your book project advancing?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Not advancing at all. Things have been hectic at work and I haven’t had any extra time, except at home for playing Diablo at night and watching movies as well as Westworld season 2, which is now top priority for me… 🙂

      I like the idea of our brains hallucinating our reality. Unfortunately its the proliferaters of woo who normally like to use that notion in their woo, either to claim that the reality itself is an illusion, or that we can change it with our minds. Obviously the reality is fixed and we can only either change our perception of it (and fuck it up – as with drugs) or change the way we think about the reality. i.e. change ourselves

      There are too many suckers who accept the woo version though.

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